lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011


"O friend, where are you going? What are you supposed  to do? You belong to the supreme Truth, but you have forgotten your  origin. Now it is time to get back to the main road.
Today the world is said to be making more and more progress, but in what way has it become greater? Murder, thievery, fighting, and destruction are on the rise everywhere. All over the world there is hatred among nations, hostility among political parties, animosity among societies, and enmity among races and classes. People talk about innovation and reform, but in the name of these things they have succeeded only in destroying the environment, in wrecking family life, and in increasing selfishness and hostility.
In such a world there is only one thing we need, and that is true understanding for humanity. Yet that is exactly what we lack. Why does a human being behave the way he does? Why does he create barriers between himself and others? Why does he live with enmity and competititon instead of a feeling of brotherhood? He does these things because he lacks true understanding about himself. He does not know the  greatness that lies within the human heart. He imagines that he is false, ordinary and weak, and that he will simply pass through this world and die. Yet if he were to look within himself, he would realize that he contains the divinity of the entire world
Western scientists are now begining to discover the truth that the philosophers of India have known for milennia: that the entire universe consists of one energy. Our ancient philosophers, who were scientists of the spirit, called that energy Consciousness, or God. This supreme Consciousness created the entire cosmos out of its own being.....We are all portions of this universe of Consciousness. We are not different from one another, and we are not different from God. If one sows a mango seed one will get a mangp, never a lemon. In the same way, that which is born of God can never be other than God. Within the human heart dwells a shimmering effulgence whose brilliance surpasses even that of the sun. That inner Consciousness is the same as that which creates and animates the entire universe. But we are not aware of this. Even though we have come from this Consciousness, we have changed our understanding about ourselves."
A Guide to the Spitual Journey
Swami Muktananda

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